The management, staff and students of Adharsheela Global School Saluted the nation and its freedom fighters on the eve of the72nd Independence Day . The occasion was marked by the enthusiasm of the tiny tots. It was clearly reflected in their performances when they showed up the stage dressed as luminaries like RaniLaxmiBai, Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose etc.The flag hoisting ceremony was done by the Chairperson Ms. Meeta Saharan along with the Senior Patrons Mr. Gurbachan Singh and Mr. Ashok Sareen, Mr. G.Gupta (Director) and the Principal Ms. SangitaMaliwal. The Academic Director, Mr. G. Gupta addressed the august gathering by explaining the significance of the day in the lives of every Indian. A mesmerizing aura was created by the young Adharsheelian vocalists through patriotic songs .A spectacular dance performance on ‘Rang de Basanti’ was showcased. The enthusiastic enchanting of the National Anthem gave a splendid effect to the event. Speeches in Hindi and English were delivered by students of class IX and a powerpoint presentation was projected to bring out the real essence of freedom by the teachers of the school. This was not the end of the show, the school organized certain activities in lieu of the thematic celebration. The blooming buds showed their love and affection towards their proud nation by making flags, kites , wind chimes and posters. The Principal cherished the momentous daywith her motivational and inspirational words where the great freedom fighters of our country won independence after years of struggle.